UPDATE on 01/05/2024 - The Council can loan litter pickers
any of our litter picking, collecting waste, rubbish and fly tipping out of trees, shrubs and bushes is not covered by council insurance.
UPDATE on 09/07/2024: one of the SOFAs HAS BEEN collected. the other one is still there. the tent and some bags which had been dumped next to it have now gone. some bags by the bin on croft road opposite albert street have also gone now.
It looks to have been done on the night of 20th May 2024- Early Morning of 21st and the night of 21st of June 2024.
Dear All
This page has been set up for the clean up and maintenance of Lingmoor Park or Lingwood Park, people call it by both names. Litter picking, waste collection and distribution of them to bins and recycling.
The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council said in an email dated 20/02/2024 that a thorough litter pick is to be scheduled at a later date. The council could not arrange a thorough litter pick. So we proceeded to do the job. However the council have collected items, litter, waste etc. that community members picked out from the park and left in piles, areas or next to bins.
The local residents to the park have been clearing much during the course of months and years, bit by bit, step by step - that which can be accessed and got to.
After that there was much in the shrubs, bushes, trees and ground that individuals couldn't get to without safety wear, tools and such. That had all appeared after many trees, shrubs and bushes have been cut, trimmed and pruned etc. Therefore the edges of them are not safe for general people to try and go through to pick out the waste, litter and rubbish etc. Most of that has now been cleared.
It is important that all the rubbish, waste, litter and mess in the bushes, shrubs and trees got cleared within time; before they regrow again.
If you would like to participate or can be part of a joint effort in clearing such items along with other local people then you can just add your participation here.
You can just do some of the work in your own time at your own choice. Just please consider where to put the items - they need to be in piles and places where there is vehicle access or close by vehicle access for the council to collect.
Please then let us know and also let the council fly tipping collection department know too. General litter can be placed by bins but still let the council know - greenspaces team / BC Parks. Otherwise there are 4 dog waste bins in the park which can be used for general litter. Community members pick litter while out walking or visiting the park and then place items in them or in their household bins.
Reporting can done via Self (nuneatonandbedworth.gov.uk)
Hopefully there won't be anymore fly tipping or at least less of it as we are now into preventing it or catching people doing it. Please don't drop litter, waste or rubbish onto the grounds or fly tip. There are bins and disposal methods.
Thank you! We will contact you soon
Your information will be kept private and used only for the purpose on this page.
We can delete it immediately after the work.
Or it can be kept for future use for maintaining the park if you would like.
Wellington Boots
Waterproof Overalls
Safety Goggles
Litter Picker Sticks
Extended Litter Picker Sticks
Headwear / Safety Headwear
Spades, Shovels & Rakes
Strong Handheld Brushes with Strong Bristles
First Aid Kits
Funding/Donations to Cover Time and Costs
Hopefully people have enough of these items between us all residents and locals. Not everyone will need every item. For example only those going into the bushes will need safety headwear and goggles.
As the rubbish, waste and litter has been thoroughly removed from the park, then great. Then signs and multi bins (with recycling) can be put in place.
If we see anybody throwing such into the park then we can kindly point to the signs and bins to them and ask they put rubbish, waste, litter, recycling into them instead. No need to argue, lead by example in this scenario. Be firm though.
Please note, that the residents participation in doing these jobs was mainly just a backup - as the council could not do it. Each of us community members is a backup to one another, supporting to keep the park and other areas clean of litter, waste, rubbish and fly tipping. It's to also keep time and costs low and prevention.
For anywhere that costs are incurred you can make a contribution, or if you would like to participate but can't then you can fund if you wish to by clicking the purple button above or clicking the link. As the park is now clean then support, funding, donations can be done as the jobs are more done and people can go to the park and see for themselves.
Let's try and get some funding, income, sustaining for this to cover time, costs, tools and items.
The FUNDING / DONATIONS button and link go to a secure checkout page powered by Square.
Debit Cards - Credit Cards
Essentially this needs some funding and support - as so far the work and build up has been over the duration of some years. The job itself may take numerous sessions and activities to complete and maintain. So please do mention this to others as surely some will have cash rather than time or physical presence.
Click the above button to contribute via Paypal
You may or may not agree with all this or other things we have on this website. If you agree with one and not the other it doesn't matter, you can still accept what you agree with and that can proceed.
It doesn't have to be just adults, youth can be involved too, so they see and learn.
There have been many times where bags have been left next to the public litter bin on Croft Road - it looks like household waste. They keep getting collected and it's been known where they have been coming from.
There has been much fly tipping recently over the past few years. Residents say they had reported it the council, so the council may have records of it. These circumstances call for the culprits to be caught. Signs and/or cameras to prevent fly tipping (dumping of large unwanted items). There has been some progress - it's known where some of the fly tipping was coming from.
There has been reports of dog poop in bags being thrown into trees, shrubs and bushes. It is guessed that they maybe with the thought of bio-degrading. However, some are hung onto tree branches - which there surely can't be any reasonable explanation for. We think it's out of spite. Anyway, the bags themselves may or may not take time to biodegrade. The positive thing about dog waste being thrown into the grounds where there is soil, trees and shrubs is that it can safely bio-degrade there, as far as we know, but may have to be careful of fleas and flies etc. - so not to carry or distribute disease, so there still needs to be a bio-degradable dog poop solution. The supply of actual quick biodegradable bags could be helpful for people to throw dog poop into those areas.
There was more litter, waste and rubbish on the grounds which takes longer to biodegrade and more dog poop in bins which takes much less time to biodegrade.
We know signs work in some places. Currently there is only signs on the dog waste bins. If better, more visible ones can be placed with multi bins e.g. Recycling bin, general waste bin and dog poop bins / instructions for biodegrade then there is an array of bins, solutions and signs to work.
We have done the following dates and times:
Sunday 24th March
9am - 12 pm
One Saturday Morning in May
Also other times by individuals over months and years
There were photos, but as items have been cleared then so have photos. If anyone wishes to see the photos of the amount of waste, litter, rubbish and fly tipping then contact us or the council to see them.
The next proposed date and time is:
There was several people who said yes, with several more who contributed, with about 15-20 people overall in a group, contributing, arranging, clearing, loving.
Those who go into the shrubs, bushes and trees
Require protective wear - see list above
Pickers and Cleaners
Picking up the items with a tool or gloves and cleaning with brush
Sorters and Baggers
Sorting items and into relevant bags for recycling
For making sure things are adhered to in each section being cleaned
If we do things with love and respect then that will help with things being okay
Large items had been collected after we had got them out and placed them in appropriate places
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Let's remember for now that it is a job to do and in future we can have times where there is events and bringing community together.
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Now that jobs are done and it is clear to see by visiting the park and also it is known who did some fly tipping please look to make donations, give support or funding to cover time and costs of jobs that have been done and it is visible and known rather than there being litter, rubbish, fly tipping and waste still in the park and without knowing. In this scenario, we know and the park is much more clean.
We don't want any injuries, it is better to be safe than sorry, prevention is better than cure in this aspect.
Sturdy metal litter pickers where possible, because plastic ones can break trying to get out embedded items. We got them with spades/rakes and those small handheld garden shovels.
No one should go into the dense bushes/branches without full protection.
Apologies if anything on this page is wrong, anybody can check and let us know and we will update accordingly.
We shouldn't see this as bringing the community together, it was jobs to do and currently a deficit because the litter, rubbish and waste; especially that which was embedded had increased over many years, we got the opportunity to get it out and cleared and come out of the deficit.
In the future, with the same not being created again, and having good waste, litter and rubbish management instead, then we can have better times or other better reasons bringing the community together.
The reality is that we expected the council to do it. It is mostly the locals and or their family and friends that make use of the park. So actually all the people required to do the jobs live nearby and together, we have all the tools. All we have done and may have to do is pick out all the fly tipped items, rubbish, waste and litter - put it in relevant piles and locations and the council can do the job of collecting - that is what is working. Joining in to do the job collectively will help get the job done.
The value of this is great. For the locals and residents near to the park - it is going to add value to your house, the area, people and things. Keeping the park clean of litter, rubbish, waste that doesn't belong in the ground and can be recycled, made use of etc. Then with multi bins, signs and maintenance or the best working option - the park and area can improve and sustain very well, adding value in many ways. Much love, bless.
Essentially it was a deep clean that needed to be done. We shouldn't get complacent because items can be thrown or blown into areas that are difficult to get to, and then they stay there for years affecting the soil, grounds and park itself as well as people and community.
Let's think about fruit trees, more or other useful plants and trees, better bins, waste management, foods, nourishment, love and better vibes. Income and value too. These are potential and can be done. The park would be a better place, people better, animals and wildlife and all better.
If you have evidence, photos, videos or information then you can send them to the council by reporting fly tipping or use the relevant category. Here is a link: