Hoping wellness and safety to you. 
Being a local resident to Heath End Farm we have had some thoughts, inspiration and a vision; that is an idea of utilising the farm land and space to grow essential crops then going straight to cooking and plating, eating on site. Essentially it is correct to do and everybody knows it. Similarly in India at some very beautiful places this is called Langar or one can say it's farm to plate.
Now we have seen this done on scales between a few hundred thousand people to a couple hundred people per sitting or per day. That is in warmer climates though and almost around the clock. Including spirituality, divine light and meditation. 
Organic crops, maintained by community, cooked and then served and eaten on site to however many hundreds or thousands of people who contribute some work time and those that can get to the site at meal times.
As to how this would be sustainable and/or feasible here is something you may know best about; some idea could be funding (as it’s a green project), donations/contributions, sales, nominal prices, fair costs. Good. It’s just something right to at least propose. The government has created some initiatives and funding or such.

100% or highly organic, most of the year round (with climate warming)
Better circumstances to grow variety of organic crops 
Community, serving, reduced packaging/carbon/emissions
Reduced packaging/carbon/emissions and less waste litter in and around the area
There could be meals collected and or veg boxes
Pure vegetarian, vegan, lacto-vegetarian, plant based, these contain all full nutrients
Once a day, every other day, twice a week or once a week to start should be great
Leaving it with you to maybe consider as some option, staying safe, God Bless

Being organic, we get more full, wholesome and nutrition. Another great aspect is that, some or many veg foods and fruits do not require cooking, even some that we tend to cook anyway as a habit maybe. For example a wholesome organic potato can be made into bitesize pieces, seasoned and eaten, raw, without cooking. With experience this is quite nice, with crunch, flavour and one is bound to get the full nutritional value. Imagine the same with many other vegetables - just made into bitesize pieces, some seasoning and hey pronto you can have a few portions of a meal, regularly without any cost of cooking or time. Marvellous. That's nature in the first place. So good. Organic, nutritious, low costs, reduced packaging, feeding.
At the forefront of some places that can grow fruits, vegetables, plants and serve them for free, there is spirituality.
If we work together we can do it. Yourselves, the farmers, myself and others too. It becomes a social importance also and divinity at the heart of it. There are funding options from the Government too.
The rising cost of living is not good, which can be due to people then there is hurt and that effects peoples spirits also. We need to be conscious of this and seek better things for spiritual and souls too.
It's said that God is within everybody, so if that is nourished then people can be more spiritual and the farmland be as part of it. 
Even if there is spiritual connection or not, the growing of food, crops, legumes, beans, nuts, fruits and veg and plated on site is still good with social importance and a long term implementation of wholesome food available, all the while to the local communities, then others in the wider geographic, and hopefully there will be government organisation too.  

Governments are, and have been spending so much on war, conflict and violence that it equates to $5 a day for every person on the planet. That is essentially enough to feed every person on the planet, for free, low cost.
The government can possibly include veg & fruit box plans, where as instead of spending money on weapons and war, that can be saved. Then people, households can collect the organic veg, fruit, nut, legume boxes from locations at reduced, sustainable and nominal costs or for free. As well as options to eat on site. 
There are grants available at times.
This is something we do not entirely know about, from what we are being told and what we have experienced.. The best thing to do is go with actualities - they are that yes some temperatures are warmer, yet they are dispersed, seasons seems to be different, switching between cold days and warm or hot days. Rain is more, change in climate, so we have to create and make sure that if the land was used to irrigate and perform crop growth to full potential throughout the year with people consuming meals on site or coming to collect that the weather does not deter such and we create conditions to allow, all well.
Again it's for good reasons, no animal killing, less packaging, waste, litter in and around the Stockingford, Arbury and Bermuda area. Community building and togetherness. After all it is God's land and it was made for such.  
Well, as you know people, supermarkets and stores do not stock this much in their grown forms, instead it's probably cooked into meals and food products and then sold like that. So in the same instance you can do the same; surely you have such grown on your lands and therefore instead of that just going to either waste or packed products and meals it can also be used for the cooked and plated meals on site. It makes sense to do so. Also never quit in knowing that the same 'wonky' fruit and veg etc is the same and nutritious as other shapes and so some should aways be presented and served as much as possible without any going to waste for people to realise it is ok.
It is a guidance with love to those who approve it, let it pass and/or try to go ahead with it or actually do it will unfortunately by their own action or unknowingly not see themselves in Heaven by going against the first will of the lord. We say this with love. They will have to come back into this world after death to take down those houses and repair and restore all that land then anyway which is a longer term truth. This might seem like big words or harsh, but truth, and to nature they are not much. We can only say this with as much love as possible - to do the correct thing in the first place and know the warnings. It doesn't mean to say houses or some houses are wrong, but they are not the correct thing to do, here, right now, and so then it becomes a learning process of over countless lifetimes, coming and going to realise the land, repair and restore it - engaging with the truth. Currently it is all there as it is. So it's essential to realise now and use it for it's true original purpose now rather than entering the pre warned pitfalls - one is having to back to restore it all. Whether that is now or after many lifetimes of coming back to use it for the purpose. It's for farming and that produce for people.
If we look at it logically; when we ask a child to do something, the correct thing, especially over and over again and they do a wrong thing or what is not asked then it gets to a stage where they themselves have to rectify it, whether then and there or another time later on in life.
The cost to do this would or should be a fraction of the cost of building housing estates. Facilities required such as units, large sheds, cooking and plating areas - in general you get the idea and all can be guided and planned well. This can include accommodation for some.
It has been suggested to crowd fund buying the farm(s), here at least funding and support can be done to generate keeping the farm as it is and working towards a farm to plate service - this should just generally be done by people currently managing the farm and this has all been suggested to them several times. We believe that the majority of local people would like to keep the farms and not build houses on there.
 Click the pink button or use the link in pink to start crowdfunding and/or donate / support. It would be welcome to continuing in keeping the farm.
If the farm is kept, funded, with and for the above reasons then it would belong to people, locals, community or all people. That so also if it comes to buying the farm fields, if that is how it is. However it should be the government, those with money and resources to do the task as well as general public, people and locals with their contributions, some time, support and/or donations.
With love and regards
There are planning consultations and on this site people can comment and share their views. We don't have to be ignorant, hurtful or say harsh things, just share relevant and factual views, with love, prem, pyar, mohabhatt and thus we can all share the land, for Farming, Food, Future.
In general surely you can see what is being said and it's with apologies if anything has been said wrong or offensive - this is not the intention of course. 
The majority of people have already said no to building houses on the land.
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