Currently the county name of the area in the photo is warwickshire - that is three parts - as war-wick-shire. This is currently saying a shire which is dwellings by war, or to do with the wick that is connected to war. Wick being the string or strip that one fuels to light something. In this case, unfortunately, war and wick are referring to lighting up war these days or dwellings, or a fuel strip that lights something or the absorb or draw off (liquid) by capillary action
So it maybe saying war dwellings shire, or war fuel strip shire, or war absorption/draw off shire.
We have done as much research to realise this up to now, and with that, it has also been recognised that the county name used to be Weirwickshire, as in three parts: weir-wick-shire which refers to dwellings by low river dams.
The other names it has, or could have gone by are: Waerwickshire and also Waeringscir, as warwick used be be Waeringwic.
So according to some historical context and research the county name is a bit questionable but we know it has some reference to warwick and today that is referring to war-wick. War as we know, and see, it is not good.
So whatever the case, currently it is reference or connection to war, as we keep hearing or seeing it and being affected by it, then would we want the county name to be linked to it?
War is costing so much, taking lives, women, children and pregnant women, elderly and all - because it does not care, but we still do things with love. So it is not a joke that we are talking about the county name. It's been worked out by the world economic forum in the early 2020's that $14 trillion is spent on war and conflict annually. That is is enough to give every person on the planet $5 everyday.
The materials of the earth can be used for much better and in many places they are. Yet when such fighting happens or is supported and/or endorsed, then those materials are taken up and thus wasted and the public pays for it, without knowing or consent. Such money could have, and could go to so many better things, we should of worked out ways to be lowering the cost of living, loving, enjoying, working well, sharing, yet the cost of living rose because of war and energy bills rose and there is so many atrocities, consequences, hurt, disbelief, panic, terror.
So it is with love, prem, pyar, mohabhat that we say to not connect with war. Not even have reference in the county name to it. As it maybe, that people who wake to knowing about it, they see that the county name is actually war-wick-shire and that is not good for the county nor for people residing in it, nor for those visiting and seeing it from outside and war is not good either, even to the extent of if it's good over bad etc. - lives get taken, weapons get made, examples people copy.
If we can change and improve the name to Wellwickshire, for example, then it is referring to wellness, better, health, well being, benefit and more. That is for all, generations to come, good for people residing here, visiting and other nearby counties and areas. Who doesn't want to be well? Most be people always do.
These things can help with sustaining and lowering the cost of living, money saved with health, better-well roads, better foods, reasonable and affordable living, and if, by chance this county was a wick for war then maybe in changing the some actions, ways and the name then war reduced - lives get saved, people live, everyone get's $5 worth of good support everyday.
Yes we are all going to go from here and others are going to arrive and so for them it is well too.
You see war as we have experienced raises the costs of living. No war will reduce those costs. Wellness will hopefully help to reduce those costs too.
A reason we here, at supremierlove, have suggested the name, is for all - those that reside in the county, visit it, hear or read about it and those that have passed away as well as for the many generations to come.
As well as Wellwickshire there are other possible names for the county:
WORTHWICKSHIRE being a great one because it is referring to dwellings by worth, being the county is worthy, people worthy and we believe that health and wellness can come with that too. Worthwellshire combining worth and wellness
Worthdwellshire encompasses worth dwellings (wick) well (water and health) and then shire. Much love, bless, goodnight.
So if the cost of war, conflict, violence is $5 a day for every person on the planet - then that's food, everyday, for every person.
To consider the county name, changes to it, better, is definitely worth it for all
An objective is that, if, by chance, the county name is referring to war or the wick to do with it etc. then firstly making awareness of it and if by changing it we have less association with war, less costs to do with it then it's a good thing and better. Especially considering what we see and hear in regards to conflict, war, violence and what it can lead to... for example genocide.
So preventing it in the first place is only a good thing and if, by chance, the county does have something to do with fuelling of war, dwellings by it, then we can be aware, and residents have a right to know. If it is appropriate then change it to something better that is not referring to war or having anything to do with it, as of it's devasting, un moral affects on beings and if it's condoned then that is no good. We can and should live better, love, share, love thy enemy, love thy neighbour as Jesus may have said.